Cursive other songs:

Adapt lytrics - Cursive

I want the rich boy...
I want the rich boy
But the rich boy, he doesn't want me...
I like the pretty girls...
I like the pretty girls
But the pretty girls, they don't like me...

Nobody wants to be left in their past...
Adapt (adapt)...
Adapt (adapt)...
Adapt (adapt)...
Nobody wants to be told how to act,
Nobody wants to be held back...
Be a good kid now...
Just do what they ask.

But I want the nice house...
I want the nice house
But the nice houses don't cost too cheap.
Well I want the best god...
Yeah, I want the biggest god
But those gods are so hard to believe...

Somebody has to keep waving the flag...
Adapt (adapt)...
Adapt (adapt)...
Adapt, adapt, adapt (adapt)...
Somebody has to keep justice intact,
Somebody has to get stabbed in the back.
It's for a good cause...
Now do what they ask.

I am a good boy...
I am a good boy...
I am a good boy...
I am a good boy...
I am a good boy...

Nonsense lyrics - Cursive

does it matter now, what the songs about?
does it matter now, what the songs about?

I really don't want to write another "I'm a dick" song again.
does it matter now, what the songs about?
my my oh my oh bed shak I keep saving its deafening
does it matter now, what the songs about?

no matter what I did no matter what I said
it doesn't matter know, you've gotta figure it out
we can continue on such non-sense to fill the days
and we wont speak of ugly things
but when these lyrics come out you'll scream at me
one foots in your mouth, the other ones in your grave

so sing your heart outloud, sing your heart outloud
sing your heart outloud
sing your heart out loud
I'm a dead man from singin
sing your heart out loud

Once lyrics - Cursive

Once a liar, always a liar.
Once a cheater, always a cheater.
Once a day you'll remember her death.
Once you'll love but you'll love once too many.

Just this once.
Just this once.

I forget who you're with hon, where's your heart sleep this week?
Who's your baby, your hookup, your mama, your sugardaddy?
Once you're guilty you'll carry your due.
Once you spill out your heart, there's no refill.
Once you told me you loved too much.
Once you start it's never enough.

Just this once.
Just this once.

Once a liar, always a liar.
Once a cheater, always a cheater.
Once a day you'll remember her death.
Once you'll love but you'll love once too many.

Just this once.
All right...
Just this once.

Sinner's Serenade lyrics - Cursive

Oh God, no - please don't tell her
what I've done
I can hardly look at her
everything I love, I hurt
Oh God, yes - she is love
she is sex
But I used her for the game,
A scapegoat to carry the blame
for a hate song
For a hate song
It's like masochism - I hate
these hate songs
Holding a dove
then clipping it's wings off
Someone you love
and you give them the kiss off
Someone to love - and you fuck it up!

How I hate these dirty words I emulate
How i hate ruining what I create
How I hate this (and I hate that
you don't fall for it) - this
sinner's serenade
This hate song (this self defecation)
isn't helping anyone
Save the sinner
Save the sinner
He knows not what he's done to himself
What he's done to others
He hides behind words
he hides behind liquor
He hides in his bedroom with his guitar
screaming, "Sinner!"

Oh God, look what I've done
in the bedroom.

Ten Percent To The Ten Percent lyrics - Cursive

You seemed like such a smart young man.
And your Fathers got a lot of friends.
We didn't bother to check your references.
We're a successful company.
With endless opportunity.
So why must you shit where you eat?
It all started out in the warehouse.
Watching the stock watching the clock.
Taking shots from a flask of scotch.
My first evaluation came.
Remarkably they sang my praise.
"Keep up the pace. You could see a raise in pay."
This seemed like a good challenge to me.
So I started a game of craps in the back alley.
What better way to supplement minimum wage.
Despite these bits of debauchery,
The managers failed to notice me.
So what the fuck?
I started stealing things.
Once inventory rolled around
A few sku items could not be found.
Some DVD's and a wide screen TV.
"We'll dock these items from your pay.
We expect you to finish out the day.
Your father must be so ashamed."

Fuck you and your job.
And I'll shit where I want.
This country is gonna go out with a bang.
This country is headed for Dependence Day.
So lay out your blanket and wait for the fireworks display.

You're restless devoided your job keeps you broke.
Big Business booms and makes sure that we don't.
So get in the ring, you just ran out of rope.

I'll give ten percent to the ten percent.
Now hand me those classifieds.

The Bitter End lyrics - Cursive

When the bitter end arrives,
will we be at war or sadly, madly in love?
Will we beg for one more night?
Or will we have our bags packed
waiting at the door?

When the bitter end arrives,
Will it be a finish line or a starting gate?
Brass and pearl, or maggots and dirt --
bittersweet or just desserts?

When you didn't answer your phone
I knew there was something wrong;
you'd been a wreck all week.
When it's unbearable,
the more unavailable the world can often seem

When the bitter end arrives,
will we be exhausted or will we toss and turn?
Will we claw out our eyes?
Or will we simply close them
and let sleep seep in?

When your bitter end arrived
you could've at least
chicken-scratched some cliched note:
"on the razor's edge",
"at the end of your rope",
"the bitter pills you just had to swallow."

When you didn't answer your phone
suddenly the last time we spoke
became the last time we spoke.
What would I have said if I knew
just how desperate the situation was?

But I know that I knew --
such overstated clues --
you stopped eating, kept drinking,
stopped showing up for work.
When you're alone, did you utter dying words?

Why'd the bitter end have to come?
Why'd the bitter end have to come for you?
So sad, so soon.
When your bitter end came around,
did you wonder how your sentence would sound?
An exclamation or a question mark?!
