EP: "Burst And Bloom" (2001)

Sink To The Beat lyrics - Cursive

I'll try to make this perfectly clear
I'm so transparent I disappear
these words I lyrically defecate
upon songs I boldly claim to create

Clint steps in to establish the beat
4/4 hip hop and you don't stop
this unique approach to start an EP
intended to shock, create a mystique
a cheap strategy, a marketing scheme
building awareness for the next LP
they've got a good fan base
they've got integrity
they've got a DC sound
Shudder to Think, Fugazi
and Chapel Hill Around The Early 90's
this is the latest from Saddle Creek

some melodies are like disease
they can inflame your misery
they will infect your memory
they haunt me
some memories are like disease
they can inflame your misery
they will infect your melody
they haunt me

I write these words with my motherly intuition
I shape these sounds into harmonic apparitions
but I can see can see through these haunting things
my moldy dreams are debased by the same hands that shaped them

I'll try to make this perfectly clear
I'm so reflexive i am a mirror
these words I'm driving into the ground
the same words I scream out over the crowd

I'm just an airwave rolling around
I storm and crash without a sound
There's all these islands out at sea
I can't reach

I'm just an airplane diving down
I storm and crash without a sound
engines exploding silently out at sea
where waves caress unstable egos
where melody is completely swallowed
where songwriters chain their songs
to their ankles and
sink to the beat
'til it stops and
bursts under pressure
let it
burst and bloom
hit song
let it burst and bloom

The Great Decay lyrics - Cursive

this is the bed that i have made
this is the grave where i will lay
these are the hands where i will bury my face
i dont believe in wasting time
searching for truth you never find
nobody moves we live in the great decay
all these ghost towns share a name
anywhere, usa
all these strangers look the same
day after day after day
this great decay, the great decay
from birth to the grave
and ive seen what it can do
and im afraid its got me to
cause i can feel it suck me in
cause i can feel im losing grip
day after day its static life
week after week is sacrificed
month after month you meditate
all of the years that waste away
this is the life that i embrace
this is the world that i create
falling into the great decay
give in give in give up
all these verses share a theme
we dont amount to anything
its the day after bloodsucking day
this great decay, this great decay
asleep in your grave

Tall Tales, Telltales lyrics - Cursive

now and again youll remember the sound
of the sails waving helpless
the cables wrapping one another into knots so strong
youre lost at once if not tossed into the drink and lost beneath
a substance so dark yet elementary
four winds converge upon a point where your compass
spirals round in useless motions mocking everything
while bilge collects
your cupped hands attempt to shovel out the last few inches
and you plead with the gods but they send you no sign
hold on sailor, hold on brother
steady the vessel
tall tales of ghosts at sail
they spend the afterlife
in futile calculation, dead reckoning
telltales confuse the sails, direction is lost
the winds will spiral round a listless tapestry
and youre left all alone under the shine of the moon
hold on sailor, tighten the cables
steady the vessel
its a good life if you dont weaken
hold on, hold on

Mothership, Mothership, Do You Read Me? lyrics - Cursive

your navel is yearning for an extension - a ghost limb
it cant detach from mothers loving grasp
your starving - its burning for the nutrient it cant have
were all cut off alone and lost
calling out to homebase, do you read me?
(emergency: were floating endlessly)
transmission terminated
youve been created, severed from life and limb
stranded an infant
on the front step of the universe
infinitely searching for a warmth
once loved, now lost forever
mothership mothership do you read me?
does anyone hear my siren song?
maybe ill be rescued before too long
calling out to homebase one last time
(the signal faded out the ship is gone)
still starving for the reason
you were created
then severed from life and limb
stranded an infant
on the front step of the universe
infinitely searching for a warmth
once loved
now lost forever

Fairytales Tell Tales lyrics - Cursive

let's pretend we're not needy
let's pretend our hearts still beat
let's pretend we fall in love tonight
clumsy enough to fall for anything
we'll stumble on our words
we'll spill our guts on creaking bar stools
below the neon blue
low lives hiding in dives there's no feeling in drinking sleeping with strangers
ghosts passing through bedrooms unaware
a faint reflection on the barbacks mirror
a face I never knew whispering,
please don't be a stranger to me. who are you if you're alone
you're no good at pretending
all my plays have tragic endings
you wish I was a fairy tale
this frog will never change anything
just pretend that you're in love
that scolding sun is bound to come up eventually
so who is it that whispers in your ear
a haunting voice blows in through the window
there's no feeling floating over beds
a needy pleading apparition
crying 'who am I if I am alone?
I hardly exist at all.
let's pretend that we don't need anything anymore from anyone.
I don't want to feel anything anymore let's just pretend
we'll live happily ever after

"Domestica" (2000)

The Casualty lyrics - Cursive

The night has fallen down the staircase
And I, for one, have felt its bruises
Equilbrium; inebriated
Our social graces have been displaced

As we sink deeper into the drink
The volume increases....
Night time resurrects fault lines
Silent wars -- rumble somewhere below
The surfaces verses...
The surfaces verses...
The shoe is dropped, lungs explode
Shards of words of a shattered voice
And there's still a hole where the phone was thrown

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah...
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah...

The moon is rising, a revolution
I close my eyes and the room is spinning
You're screaming:

"Sweetie, the moon has raped me --
It has left its seeds like a tomb inside me
So I must learn to abort these feelings
This romance is bleeding..."

Night time triggers the land mines
Bedroom wounds -- lovers like brigadiers
Marching two by two...
Marching two by two...
A soldier's down
Flood gates burst
I've said some things I wish you'd never heard
Like, "There's still a hole where the phone was thrown."
It's growing as we speak
And it's sucking us both in
A vacuum of sorrow to swallow up the day

The Martyr lyrics - Cursive

And so it's begun
This is year one
The birth of a child in the form of a man
Wrapped in towel
Passed out on the floor
These drunken hours -- graces deflowered
Cast down by an angel
She used to kiss his weeping eyes
Depressed in her bosom
Tears roll off her nipple

Sweet baby, don't cry...
Your tears are only alibis
To prove you still feel --
You only feel sorry for yourself
Well, get on that cross
That's all you're good for...

And thusly it ends
Depression seeps in on a lonely messiah
Now he drinks with the lepers
Losing a limb, his better half
A glass once half full
A head hung half-mast
He claims he's the victim
Strangled by the nine-to-five
And a pattern of stillness
That haunted this still life

Your tears are only alibis
To prove you still feel
You only feel sorry for yourself
And that's how you thrive
Your sorrow's your goldmine
So write some sad song about me
Screaming your agonies, playing the saint

The Martyr...
The Martyr...
The Martyr...
The Martyr...
The Martyr...

Shallow Means, Deep Ends lyrics - Cursive

Swimming at night
We've dug this hole
The water's fine
I wonder how far down it goes
Down it goes...
Down it goes...

The stars above have lost their shine
And so, my love, departs our sight

The unending plains project a void
Where lovers gawk in pantomime

[scream:] So let me up??

Shallow means, deep ends
When the regret sinks in
Pressure erupts
Which way is up

Swimming at night
We've finally hit, hit...
We've finally hit bottom...!
Swallowing promises back into our lungs
Losing direction of our affections

Shallow means, deep ends
When the regret sinks in
Pressure erupts
Which way is up

Down it goes...
Down it goes...

Making Friends And Acquaintances lyrics - Cursive

Loose-lipped secrets
I've seen those birdies chirping
Another promise perched on their fragile branches
Cradle and all...

We all hide a diary beneath some mattress
And someone has slept in my bed
Sometimes I get so naked I sing like a canary
And I scream out what I shouldn't scream

Some lies last a lifetime
They keep our diaries hidden
They don't let the whispers slip
Between the cracks of the bathroom stalls
Or be written on the bathroom walls....

But still I can hear those dirty birds chirp away
It's a song I know by heart
Sometimes I resent making friends and acquaintances
It's a thin veil between us --

Between the bedsprings and the mattress
I keep my secrets
The ones I can't keep
The ones you took from me
The ones you scattered with your wings

It was nice to meet you...
It was nice to meet you...
It was nice to meet you...

A Red So Deep lyrics - Cursive

The furnace burns, the baby turns
She cries when she's hungry
The morning paper will knock the door
To interrupt their slumbers

Are you satisfied tonight, oh, trader's wife?
Does he neglect you?
Crawling bar stools and touching the girls
As you wash their smell from his clothes

They shoot the horses when they're too old to race
And so, my dear, is there room in bed for me?
The setting Sun has eteched lines upon this face
Shades of red of a furious defeat

Are you satisfied tonight, oh, trader's wife?
As he thinks to you:
"I don't know you anymore,
And I can't breathe in this apartment"

Sleep, my Sweetie, let the days expire
They've outnumbered you
Hold me sweetly, like the days we bled with love
A red so deep we sunk
We sunk...

The Lament Of Pretty Baby lyrics - Cursive

I saw something I was not supposed to see
A ghostly memory that keeps on haunting me

(The kitchen door was open a crack,
So naively we peeked inside)

Oh, darling sister, have they hurt you, have they hurt you?
Oh, Pretty Baby, they won't touch you
They won't touch you again
We will fix this incident

I don't want to be seen as a pretty thing
'Cause it's the pretty things that we're always breaking...

(And now she whispers into the mirror:) I'm broken.

Oh doctor, doctor, can you fix me, can you fix me?

Oh Pretty Baby, you're so naive -- but it comes off so cute
We don't want to fix you
We love you just the way you are
The butterfly pinned to the page
The nightingale locked in the cage -- won't you sing for me?
Sing for me, uh-huh
Yeah, we love you just the way you are
Crushed 'neath fashion magazines
Trampled by circus pony dreams -- won't you kiss me?
Won't you kiss me, uh-huh

Oh please, mister, can't you fix me, can't you fix me? (uh-huh)
Someone, anyone, won't you fix me, won't you fix me? (uh-huh)
Oh, someone, please, the moon has raped me
I can feel it inside me
Oh, mama, please let someone fix me!
Let them fix me, uh-huh
Let them fix me, uh-huh

So cry yourself to sleep
Cry yourself to sleep 'cause I am strong and you are weak
Wait, you are strong, and I am weak
Fuck -- just cry yourself to sleep

The Game Of Who Needs Who The Worst lyrics - Cursive

A little bit closer,
I know you're not bashful
There, now that's not so bad, is it?
So what was that secret?
What did that prick whisper to you?
Was it playful and flirty
Or degrading and dirty?
I know you like it both ways
So -- what did he say?
To make you so goddamn defiant
So fucking triumphant

Relations, in direct competition
The players, disguised as the lovers
The best friend
A game of who needs who the worst

A little bit closer
Your lipstick is smudged, dear
Here, let me wipe that smirk off

A secret
But you couldn't keep it so secret
Relations, without hesitation
Or social tact

And as it occured, it occured to me
Who needs who?
Who needs who?

A little bit closer...

The Radiator Hums lyrics - Cursive

Dinner's getting cold --
You haven't touched a thing
So what's it gonna be?
I can hold out much longer than you
When it's steady I'm just acting out my roles
When you're ready I'll be walking out that door
And don't call me Pretty Baby anymore,
Oh, foolish worker bee --
I'm your fucking queen.

I threw out the phone to try to get through to you
The lines are down, drowned by the hum of the radiator
This house is the hole that you could never fill
With rose-blossomed bouquets, vanities and loveseats

Sad little boy, I know you get confused
But everyone goes through these trials of self-truth and self-abuse
When you're selfless you're so hard not to adore
When you're selfish, I just love you even more
I want to help you, but you've got to say the words:
"I want to be cured."

Deep in this hole we've dug for ourselves
Throw me in -- headfirst, submerged in this great depression
Impoverished, and Impotent....

...And Don't Call Me Pretty Baby

I threw out the phone to try to get through to you
The lines are down, drowned by the hum of the radiator
This house is the hole that you could never fill
With shattered dinner plates
That's how we'll communicate

Hey, Pretty Baby, are you ready for bed?

The Night I Lost The Will To Fight lyrics - Cursive

I need a catalyst, to rekindle the flame
That once burned within these fists where defeat remains

The night has fallen down the staircase...

I need a catalyst, to rekindle the flame
That once burned within these fists where defeat remains
One February night, we screamed our agonies
And I swear I tried to care
I tried, I tried...

But the icicles hung down like prison bars...

I need a catalyst, to rekindle the flame
That once burned within these fists where defeat remains
One February night, we screamed our agonies
And I swear I tried to care
I tried, I tried...
(And) I lost the will to fight...
The will to fight...
(I lost the will to fight... I lost the will to fight... I lost it... I lost it...
I lost the will to fight.)

split EP: "Silver Scooter/Cursive" (1999)

Returns And Exchanges lyrics - Cursive

"This is like pulling teeth"
Said the man with the gap-toothed smile
Upon decline
So the silence seeped into
An impatient line
Of returns and exchanges
And the silence brewed
Like a storm
As they brooded over their misfortunes

Some things you can't take
We're all the same
We share a common weakness:
We're all afraid
Of a pointless existence

Still the silence grows
A crescendo of deafening stillness
Silence you just can't speak
Much less repeat
To your lover
Or your mirror

Because such simple words
Can leave us crushed
As we deny that life is
One big mistake

It can't be exchanged

We're all the same
We're loveless liars tonight
We're all ashamed
Of our life
We've been declined
We shouldn't have tried
To fake such existence

Pulse lyrics - Cursive

I'll never go back there
Don't make me go back there...

Now that god is an atheist
Finally I can sleep at night

In a hotel room with holes in the curtains
I shivered as she slid up my leg
She could convince me a hundred hail mary's
She whispered "dear boy, your god is me"

I'll never go back there
Don't make me go back there...

I...don't...sleep...in this dead cold bed

In a hotel room the color of her skin
Holes in the drapes spray beams of light
Strangling lovers, were we kidding each other
Gasping for breath, in poisonous lies

In a hotel room (it was my second communion)
Is that your blood cleansing my veins
If three little angels (would peak in these curtains)
They'd whisper "dear boy, your mouth was too warm"
Was too warm
Was too warm

Tides Rush In lyrics - Cursive

The coast is clear
The coast is everywhere
I must have reached the end
Of the year of searching
For meanings in meaning
The coast is clear

Tides rush in
Are we all being tugged by
The same unit force that tugged me in?
That tucks us in with a kiss on those brows
It's something felt, but you can't describe
But we always try
We're always trying

Tides rush in
Fools fall for the undertow

For the chance encounter with something godsend
The gods haven't sent me a thing


You don't know and you never will
This epiphany's just a cheap handjob I give myself
I give myself no credit for this
This bastard attempt at a standardized song
It's all I've got

After years of searching for meanings in meaning
The coast is clear
Tides rush in
Pull us farther, undertow

"The Storms Of Early Summer: Semantics Of Song" (1998)

The Rhyme Scheme lyrics - Cursive

Words have no feeling without loaded meanings
Words take too long to come across
Meanings are meant for defining defintions
We load them for effect, it's cheap but it's working

It's the best I've got to get your attention
I could never get your attention
I could never please you
The verses are wasted on words you won't relate to
On words you'll never hear

It's not working -- I don't feel any better
I don't feel so well
The verbal breakdown has failed
So I'm whispering secrets
Hush, hush, on the loudspeaker
Words sculpted on verse become absurd

But it's the best I've got to get your attention
I could never get your attention
I could never please you
Words so sympathetic -- symphonic, yet pathetic -- are tossed on to the song

The meaning is lost...
The meaning is lost...

Words... just... won't... work...
Words... are... slowly demeaning their meanings
Words... make... things... worse
Words... are... always repeating
Losing their meaning
These words failed
Words fail

A Career In Transcendence lyrics - Cursive

Looks like you've finally made it, boy
You're a real major-leaguer now
Mama must be so, so, so proud
The word around
Is that your nest was too cozy
Well, some words are like bricks
And so we build our fortresses

You're on your own now, boy
I bet you've got the whole world figured out
One man cleans up after the pony
And another man rides that pony in,
And prances around
Isn't that what you were trained for?
But your words weigh you down
You've built your nest of bricks
Built your nest of bricks...

All we are is all we'll be
We think today, we say tomorrow
All (we think) we are (today) is all (we say) we'll be (tomorrow)
All (we think) we are (today) is all (we say) we'll be (tomorrow)

The Road To Financial Stability lyrics -

Watching cars
Will anyone stop for us?
Or will we be passed by
Be passed on
The day passes away
The moment cracks along the sidewalk
And we're alone
Imagining what songs would be on our soundtrack

Maybe it's me
I've lost faith in visibility
On this street we are ghosts of the passers-by
Passive and stranded
The clouds are closing on
It's a storm watch, so beware
These cars have been known to capsize in strong winds

We've lost transmission...
We've lost transmission...

Don't tell me this is how it ends
Don't tell me this is how it ends

Tempest lyrics - Cursive

Wind blown
A semi capsized in the storm
The rains of June have cleansed it
A baptism of sufferage

Take two
One man beneath a waning moon
Still birth
The abortive child of entropy
Careening for identity

Tempt him
Break him in slowly
His heart is quick to judge
But his hands are too lonely
Break him in slowly...

Red dawn
Another storm opens her arms
She's whispering
"Surrender all your loyalties"
Hand over your idle hands of false idols
Let the rains embrace you

Break them in slowly
Young hearts are quick to judge
But their hands are so lonely
Break them in slowly...
Break them in slowly...

Break In The New Year lyrics - Cursive

New years ago
We drank and danced and left our sour hearts behind
We sweetened for a kiss --
The kiss of a new year to come
But those days are gone
We never got resolution -- it never comes
All the best wishes were blown
So blow out your candles -- the year won
So long, to longing for the ressurrection of an unbrindled wantonness

Break in the new year...
Break in the new year...
Break in the new year...
Break in the new year...

Whipped us in shape
We must stay afraid -- our new god is discipline
New, but hardly improved, it's just new cliches
"They might nail your hands, but your neck has been saved"
So break in the new year with a vintage wine
Here's to aging, when some things just get bitter with age
And other are made to be broken
Broken in...

We're disciples of discipline
Sweetened for the kiss...

Proposals lyrics - Cursive

Let's get one thing straight: we don't have any answers
We are proposals in a cosmic nursery
And these massive stars -- they're just little twinkles
If I can't possess them at such magnificence
So if you can really hear me,
And you think you really believe in it
Then there must be some kind of privelege here
To putter around with such an existence
And if you see me on some stage
And you really believe it's me over there
Well, there's a chance it's not really me
Maybe we're not ourselves at all
And maybe being is simply believing that each breath we take in
Must lead to another breath out, one more breath yesterday
From yesterday -- and a timeline of yesterdays
Filled in with love or with pain or whatever bullshit we smear on our sleeves
I've found my cause, and this is it --
There are no answers

Am I what I am? Is that what this is? Is this all there is

Semantics Of Sermon lyrics - Cursive

Since I wrote this am I the culprit
These useless wisdoms I dispense
At your expense
Picture postcards
A three minute essay
Some scribbled words to four line verse

Meanwhile, we mean well
We cannot escalate or escape this
So let's pretend our little songs are more than songs
More like sermons

Attention, attention
That's all we're asking for
Our little songs are our little whores
Jukebox cupids -- and the medium's a trend
The music lends itself to it -- to itself
The lyrics bend to make the song

Attention, attention
Don't tell me that's all we're writing for
Picture postcards
Three minute essays
We can never fit in what we want to say

A Little Song And Dance lyrics - Cursive

I sat around for hours on end
For an end so clearly predetermined
I shall no longer play a part of your equation
I missed your boat a thousand times, I swear
You must have stayed off shore to avoid such relations
Avoidance has been your trump
But still I wait for you
This is the best I can do
To throw my energy into your apathy
It's the best I can do

I once had pride, I once had guts
But I gave up all that shit for the big easy
So now I rely on you to get me through this
I once believe I had a name
But my name was changed to the numbers on my resume
So I hope that you're impressed
I did it all for you
It's the best that I could do
A little song and dance
Can have its consequences
It's the best that I can do
To sit around the phone
The patience waits for you
This is the best that I can do
This is the best that I can do...

I sweat it out for hours on end
For an end so obviously predetermined

When Summer's Over Will We Dream Of Spring lyrics - Cursive

A safe position -- a back against the wall
A simple shrug to shurg the questions off
When there's no action, there's no reaction
Curb the dead, avert the consequence
So if no one moves, and no one speaks a word
We could act OK

(We must standstill -- we must honor the stalemate)
And we must slumber... have we ever been awake?
Have we done a thing?
When summer's over will we dream of spring?
Safety can be disabling
A crippled history as an absentee

A safe position -- turn off the phone
Hang the blankets over the windows
'Cause if no one's home, then there's no one responsible
There's no response for disappointed eyes
To see through you -- well, they can't see you anymore

(We must standstill -- we must honor the stalemate)
Until we're pawned off... have we ever been present?
Are we too past tense?
When summer's over will we face autumn?
Safety is disabling
A crippled history
Crippled history
A crippled history...

Absentee... absentee... You're safe with me
Curb the deed, avert the season
Absentee... absentee... You're safe with me
When summer's over will you dream of your crippled history
Crippled history
Crippled history
Crippled history
Absentee... When summer's over will you dream of your crippled history
Crippled history
Crippled history
Crippled history

Northern Winds lyrics - Cursive

Northern winds came whistling through evergreens
Like trains
One temper broods until a temperature breaks
And blooms -- smashing and tearing what we've worked toward
One hand will break what the other hand builds
Board the windows up, keep the cellar locked
We'll feign restraint until it's over and settled
Our wills are just as strong as the walls we built for them
I won't rebuild what I have crumbled
I'm tired

What is faith -- it's been replaced by insurance policies
Once one thing breaks just have it replaced
Like faith... once whistled through the trees
Now so still
One hand will break what the other hand builds

Board the windows up, keep the cellar locked
You never know when little fevers could flare up
For ever day it's calm, there must be be something brewing
There's always something storming through these evergreens
Like trains

Northern winds came...
Northern winds came...
And burning down our wills

Abscense Makes The Day Go Longer lyrics - Cursive

Please hang my raincoat
I guess that I'll stay a while
While I wait on the return
It seems the distance you've made
Has since lost its meaning
Meanwhile, I've meant to ration my thoughts
To help quicken this sloth driven day
As I wait, my joints slowly stiffen
They're warning me that something is nearing

Memories like fireflies
A green hue of imagery
But much too random to see clearly
And I don't recall much between you and me
Grey and cloudy
This tragedy plays itself over again in my mind
What's my line
Where are the cue cards
Memorize my actions, my discourse
Like a discontented fool...
This just won't do
It's no use
These crushing days

Absence made your heart bruise
You're all bruise
You're all bruise

7": "The Icebreaker" (1998)

Icebreakers lyrics - Cursive

A right at the light
It's the long way home
But we've got a long time to kill
Before our guts are gutted
Of bad blood they've spilled

I left on the light
Directions won't make sense to unsensing eyes
I've such insensitive eyes
I'm so fucking blind
Aren't I?

Or so it seems
But we just can't see anything
Past our sight or frames of mind
Our senses are snowblind
They've left us cold and crippled
Unwilling to reveal our bludgeoned egos

Turn off the light
This conversation's over
The verdict has arrived
There's no communication
When we're too deaf to hear opposing sides

These eyes have no sight past my mind
These senses are so blind
They've left me cruelly crippled
Encased within the ego
Frozen ego

Keep driving
Past the light
Keep driving
Out of mind
Out of sight

Pivotal lyrics - Cursive

Strung out on leaving
One leg stretched for the curb
The other one grounds itself against rebirth
So the swallows will stay in the barn
The finches left a long time ago
The fall must be oh so close

I cannot exist in this circumference
I keep a crippled leg on home base

Where I hang my crutches
I’m so weak and needy
My knees are so weak
Crutches keep me from kneeling
I need something I can fall back on
Something to relate to
Something to rotate to, now

Nothing is so far away
And nothing so good can ever stay
Now, could it?
And I know that the stars all have names
Some of them just aren’t as good as others
Some of them are just letters and numbers

Sometimes I forget
That the smallest things can be oh so big

Where’d you hang my crutches?
I’m so weak I’m bleeding
I bleed every week
Crutches keep me from kneeling
And there’s nothing here to fall back on
Nothing to relate to
Nothing to replace you

Now, nothing seems so far down
Down, I’ll shove my foot
Deeper into the ground

Polar lyrics - Cursive

Anchors down
We've hit the bottom
A vacant resolution
We've always revolved to
But the pivot's loose
The axis is off-centered
Don't look down past your equator
Your balance has transcended your anchor

"Such Blinding Stars For Starving Eyes" (1997)

After The Movies lyrics - Cursive

After the movies
In the parking lot
We stared so long
And you kissed me
With ripe young breath
So I kissed you
One night as forever

In the movies
Well, they never had it so good
One moment
So infinite
On soft wet lips

And I miss you
Are you glad I'm finally gone?
I'm so sorry to hear that
I'm so sorry
I'm so sorry

Have I hurt you?
I have hurt myself
These sad songs won't change anything

Love as fragile as a wineglass
It should have been forever
Love as fragile as a wineglass
It couldn't last forever
I'm so sorry
It couldn't last forever

I remember how we kissed
One night as forever

Downhill Racers lyrics - Cursive

Hold your breath, dear
This ship is going down
We're all downhill
Running with our timebombs
These shins are cracked and splintered
These lips are crusted shut
These squinting eyes just sting me
These veins are drying me up

All my limbs
They're just tools
We're all stilted vechiles
These joints rust
These pores leak
Time gets selfish
Time is SPEED

The sweetest dreams... have murdered me. They murdered me. They murdered me.

Like the fear of unskilled labor in the nuclear family
It's the nightmare of digression that engulfs a history

All my limbs
They're just tools
Duplicated, mass produced
Running down
Losing speed
Time escapes us
Timing's everything.

Everything... This is the tic in the heart
Everything... This is the beating of the clock
Everything... This is an absent blood clot
Everything... These are the seconds that I've lost
Everything... This is the slow-rush hour
Everything's so rushed (This is the slow-rush... hour)
Everything... This is the slow rush.

Ceilings Crack lyrics - Cursive

Passed out in your yard
My clothes were soaking in the morning rain
My head's just a bruise, like walking in a coma
Like a battered drone
All my limbs are numb

I've been driving past your house
Been pounding at your door
I know I'm just a peon to you
But I deserve more
Than arrogance
My hearts are on the sleeves of my shirts scattered over your lawn
And the morning dew... kissed them

Drunk on Bastille Day
Throwing pennies at the broken birds
Scribbling plans on napkins
A sketch of broken angel wings under your bed
My bandages

Stumbled over to your house
I'll sneak in the back door
I know I've been an asshole to you, but that was before
The argument, the accident
Well, I've heard it's just a matter of time before the hour is spent
And my hour is spent
I can't afford it this time
I can't afford this time
I can't afford this time
I can't afford it...

The hour has come for retribution
I'm storming the walls down
I'm storming the walls down
The hour has come for retribution
I'm storming the walls down
I'm storming the walls down
Before this night's done, the wounds will be gone
I'm storming the walls down
I'm storming the walls down

The Dirt Of The Vineyard lyrics - Cursive

Less talk, more dancing
If we could push off the sick conversation one more night
I surely would
My shoes have gathered the dust of the vineyard
Have I soiled your gown?
There's soil on your gown, like sangria
Cleanses the heart
Our clogged hearts are choking on the grime
As the big band waltzes on
Your stranded eyes whisper...

"The dirt is out.
I can smell her on your velvet hands."
The dirt is out --
are we stuck in the motions again?

Oh, but was it sweet
In the vineyard
Sangria, won't you bless
The starving lips
Such virgin lips
Would choke on all this grime
I've found some dirt under my nails
I'll scratch and bite until...

The dirt is out
but sangria burns under my skin
The dirt is out --
I thought I'd never wash these hands again

Under my skin....

Target Group lyrics - Cursive

There's no use going to Des Moines
I heard it's just like here
I guess it's just like everywhere
As for us, I guess we're not immune
Look at our same plain face

Still I assume this subject identity
Shared with all the kids that qualify
And that's a pretty high percentage to embrace
But easier to clasify
'Cause all my friends are in the same target group
And all of them look like all of you

And they're restless in standstill
But they don't know where to go
They don't know...

I wish
I could dissappear
My unwhole self
Away from here
Away from here... NOW!

I don't want to let it sit around
Just make it go away
Let it cure itself, let it be a cure for us
And if I never leave this hole
Make sure you bury me here with all my dead friends
We'll make a toast to the ones who ran away

Just get me through...
Just get me through...
Just get me through....

Eight Light Minutes lyrics - Cursive


I'm wearning thin my invitation.

I'll wear it out
But it's just eight light minutes I'm offering you
We could burn up so close
We could burn to our cores.
Burn to our cores.

Vermont lyrics - Cursive

Staring up at stars
From the back seat of a stationwagon
Carving the night
Trees keep marching by
Light poles blur into a stream
Blazing laser beams


My thoughts are trivial pursuits
My heart's a bomb that's been defused
What now?

There's no more use for me
I'm wasting energy
Muscles are weaklings
Thoughts just defeat me
Numbness is effortless
I could get used to this

Driving through Vermont
Overwhelmed by the insignificance
My conscience was my crutch
For a heightened existence
This other wordliness


I've been deprived reality
Brought up by holy ghosts and saints
What now?

I'm the delinquent here
I'm the contagious one
This heart is hopeless
I feel the numbness
All Hail The Atheist
I could get used to this
I could get used to this
I could get used to this
I could get used to this

Dedication To Desertion lyrics - Cursive

Sweating with confidence
They're soiling our egos
And we're locked at the hip
Don't cut the cord too short

You've cut yourself off
I thought we agreed
No limb should be left
So severed and bleeding
What are you missing?
What are you missing?

A truth so disabling
Might blind my starving eyes
But weren't we locked at the hip?
You've cut the cord so short
What are you missing?
What are you missing?

You've cut yourself off
I thought we agreed
But some doctrines of faith
Can be so misleading

So what are you missing?
What are you missing?

Warped The Wood Floors lyrics - Cursive

When we were burning
These stained walls would swell with passion
Our sweat warped the wooden floorboards
You'd kick out the nightlight
And let the moon bleed through the window
Draping over naked bodies

We're killing time
Trying to love
What we can't find
But who does?
A drier heat than we know blistered me badly
We've all been burning out

I'll have a Gibson
My throat is dry from screaming blindly
At the wishing stars that wrecked me
They kinged me naive
Now I keep the nightlight on and watch the sweat drip from the ceiling

These summer nights
The streetlights burst flames
They screech too bright
They scream blind
A drier heat than we know blistered me badly
We've all been burning out

A drier heat than we know blistered me badly
We've all been burning... out

Warp the wooden floor
Kick out the light, kick off the bedsheets, and let the moon bleed in
Warp the wooden floor
Kick out the light, kick off the bedsheets, and let the moon bleed in

Retirement lyrics - Cursive

Our mistakes are scrawled upon the chalkboard
They're scribed across stained glass
They're posted on the billboards
A lackluster charade
And are we so naive to concede these forefathers?
Apparently we are

Well, apparently it's true
There's no slot machines past the pearly gates
Why do we kid ourselves?
We grow old and wise
We just lose our minds

The dinner is a hit
The guests are full of spirits
They gather around the husband
He's versed in party tricks
The wife is in the bedroom
Smearing her makeup, makeup, make it up
But she's got a lover on the side
Motels, cheap wine
She says "You can't base love off the pity fuck,
unless they've got a lot of money."

'Cause it's the games that we play
'Cause we need to exist
We're not humans, we're citizens
It's the one on the ground
With his hands on his heart
It's the cleavage of division
It's all jagged and jaded
But it suits us
We just fake it through

The Farewell Party lyrics - Cursive

"Bon Voyage"
And promptly he hung up the phone
There was a doorbell ringing
So he snuck out onto the terrace
He said "If these were my last words,
would they even make print?
If all I had to say was simply over said
by those old heretics."
These words are counterfeit
Xeroxed off of memory
And no one's listening

Twilight dawns
All the champagne is gone
All that's left is left behind
Doorbells, still lives

"Since you're leaving
was it a hollowed out heart?
It seems like you've been yearning for some wordly position.
Somewhere you can curl up in a little ball."

It seems the world collapses
In the mother's womb
The place of birth
Where we're all condemned
It's the warm, sad, jaded end
Starving for salvation of a terrace
Drunk, tired, and alone
Farewell dead skin

These words are second-hand
They're dry
They're cracked-plastic lies
They're cheap old whores
Who wasted their lives
In search of the warmest womb

EP: "The Disruption" (1996)

A Disruption In The Normal Swing Of Things lyrics - Cursive

The days are spent
Chatting amongst the workers
Of how cold it is outside
Not to mention their greatest fears
Like finding their children neglected and naked
In bed with some crack fiends, like a substitute for love

And no one notices,
Something disrupting the normal swing of things.
These hands are shaking
They’ve lost all trust in me
Regrets regrets
This memory has weakened
Now I recall everything
What’s with all the commotion?
I swear there’s nothing to see here.
You didn’t see it coming,

This is the part where the ambulance comes.
There’s a dead man in the street;
We gotta take him to the morgue.
He can’t be here;
He’s been blocking traffic for hours.
We can’t find him help, his will.
Something’s disrupting the normal swing of things.
This institution will run efficiently.

Standard regrets
Send the misses our regards.
Sign it "deepest sympathies"
Sympathies: some patronage for the weak.

I swallowed some musk
And now I’m choking it up.
I refuse to say they won;
I win, the poisons in this drum,
In my head, On my head
All those phonies at heart
I've wrote this down a thousand times,
I think it's really dark
I don’t need this
This just walked in
Break it down [x9]
I don’t need this sympathy.
I don’t need this.

There's A Coldest Day In Every Year lyrics - Cursive

Hey, are you sleeping?
We've got nothing better to do
Than just lay here, together
Let it pass...
It wasn't so hard to destroy
Now it's not so easy to forget
And it's so cold in here
Are you awake?

The Knowledgeable Hasbeens lyrics - Cursive

Knock the wind the wind right out
Knock it off
I can't breathe
Could I sing another line?
I think my knees are getting weak
And yes, these knees are weak
But who would believe in a hypocrite who sells himself
Who's your scapegoat now?
Well, it's a million to one, but I think I got the part
Trampled through the grind
I wouldn't extend my disgust
But there's no one here except you
I don't see the point
In carrying on
We could make the best
Out of nothing
Who's your scapegoat now?
Who's your scapegoat?
Who's your scapegoat now?
Well, it's a million to one, but I think I got the part
Trampled through the grind
I would sustain this contempt, but I'd be wasting time again
Hey, it's all I've got
Please leave the confessions
I could find a job
Waiting tables
Or something

A Disruption In Our Lines Of Influence lyrics - Cursive

After the fool of the rat race is gone
Who is going to be there to turn you on?
Some believe in a god
Made of corrugated steel

Assembly lines of communication
Are fueled by the example of isolation

How can you escape
The constructs you've made?
How do you erase
The influence gained?
A man can only be as real
As the ones who produced him

Assembly lines of communication
Are fueled by the example of isolation

The opposites of freedom
I'm confused by what they mean
But they've seen the same things

This is the part where
The ambulance comes
I'll play the dead man

Confusion just seeps into aggravation
Influence has written this song
I wish I could write one
Just some sad song

Cursive other songs:

Adapt lytrics - Cursive

I want the rich boy...
I want the rich boy
But the rich boy, he doesn't want me...
I like the pretty girls...
I like the pretty girls
But the pretty girls, they don't like me...

Nobody wants to be left in their past...
Adapt (adapt)...
Adapt (adapt)...
Adapt (adapt)...
Nobody wants to be told how to act,
Nobody wants to be held back...
Be a good kid now...
Just do what they ask.

But I want the nice house...
I want the nice house
But the nice houses don't cost too cheap.
Well I want the best god...
Yeah, I want the biggest god
But those gods are so hard to believe...

Somebody has to keep waving the flag...
Adapt (adapt)...
Adapt (adapt)...
Adapt, adapt, adapt (adapt)...
Somebody has to keep justice intact,
Somebody has to get stabbed in the back.
It's for a good cause...
Now do what they ask.

I am a good boy...
I am a good boy...
I am a good boy...
I am a good boy...
I am a good boy...

Nonsense lyrics - Cursive

does it matter now, what the songs about?
does it matter now, what the songs about?

I really don't want to write another "I'm a dick" song again.
does it matter now, what the songs about?
my my oh my oh bed shak I keep saving its deafening
does it matter now, what the songs about?

no matter what I did no matter what I said
it doesn't matter know, you've gotta figure it out
we can continue on such non-sense to fill the days
and we wont speak of ugly things
but when these lyrics come out you'll scream at me
one foots in your mouth, the other ones in your grave

so sing your heart outloud, sing your heart outloud
sing your heart outloud
sing your heart out loud
I'm a dead man from singin
sing your heart out loud

Once lyrics - Cursive

Once a liar, always a liar.
Once a cheater, always a cheater.
Once a day you'll remember her death.
Once you'll love but you'll love once too many.

Just this once.
Just this once.

I forget who you're with hon, where's your heart sleep this week?
Who's your baby, your hookup, your mama, your sugardaddy?
Once you're guilty you'll carry your due.
Once you spill out your heart, there's no refill.
Once you told me you loved too much.
Once you start it's never enough.

Just this once.
Just this once.

Once a liar, always a liar.
Once a cheater, always a cheater.
Once a day you'll remember her death.
Once you'll love but you'll love once too many.

Just this once.
All right...
Just this once.

Sinner's Serenade lyrics - Cursive

Oh God, no - please don't tell her
what I've done
I can hardly look at her
everything I love, I hurt
Oh God, yes - she is love
she is sex
But I used her for the game,
A scapegoat to carry the blame
for a hate song
For a hate song
It's like masochism - I hate
these hate songs
Holding a dove
then clipping it's wings off
Someone you love
and you give them the kiss off
Someone to love - and you fuck it up!

How I hate these dirty words I emulate
How i hate ruining what I create
How I hate this (and I hate that
you don't fall for it) - this
sinner's serenade
This hate song (this self defecation)
isn't helping anyone
Save the sinner
Save the sinner
He knows not what he's done to himself
What he's done to others
He hides behind words
he hides behind liquor
He hides in his bedroom with his guitar
screaming, "Sinner!"

Oh God, look what I've done
in the bedroom.

Ten Percent To The Ten Percent lyrics - Cursive

You seemed like such a smart young man.
And your Fathers got a lot of friends.
We didn't bother to check your references.
We're a successful company.
With endless opportunity.
So why must you shit where you eat?
It all started out in the warehouse.
Watching the stock watching the clock.
Taking shots from a flask of scotch.
My first evaluation came.
Remarkably they sang my praise.
"Keep up the pace. You could see a raise in pay."
This seemed like a good challenge to me.
So I started a game of craps in the back alley.
What better way to supplement minimum wage.
Despite these bits of debauchery,
The managers failed to notice me.
So what the fuck?
I started stealing things.
Once inventory rolled around
A few sku items could not be found.
Some DVD's and a wide screen TV.
"We'll dock these items from your pay.
We expect you to finish out the day.
Your father must be so ashamed."

Fuck you and your job.
And I'll shit where I want.
This country is gonna go out with a bang.
This country is headed for Dependence Day.
So lay out your blanket and wait for the fireworks display.

You're restless devoided your job keeps you broke.
Big Business booms and makes sure that we don't.
So get in the ring, you just ran out of rope.

I'll give ten percent to the ten percent.
Now hand me those classifieds.

The Bitter End lyrics - Cursive

When the bitter end arrives,
will we be at war or sadly, madly in love?
Will we beg for one more night?
Or will we have our bags packed
waiting at the door?

When the bitter end arrives,
Will it be a finish line or a starting gate?
Brass and pearl, or maggots and dirt --
bittersweet or just desserts?

When you didn't answer your phone
I knew there was something wrong;
you'd been a wreck all week.
When it's unbearable,
the more unavailable the world can often seem

When the bitter end arrives,
will we be exhausted or will we toss and turn?
Will we claw out our eyes?
Or will we simply close them
and let sleep seep in?

When your bitter end arrived
you could've at least
chicken-scratched some cliched note:
"on the razor's edge",
"at the end of your rope",
"the bitter pills you just had to swallow."

When you didn't answer your phone
suddenly the last time we spoke
became the last time we spoke.
What would I have said if I knew
just how desperate the situation was?

But I know that I knew --
such overstated clues --
you stopped eating, kept drinking,
stopped showing up for work.
When you're alone, did you utter dying words?

Why'd the bitter end have to come?
Why'd the bitter end have to come for you?
So sad, so soon.
When your bitter end came around,
did you wonder how your sentence would sound?
An exclamation or a question mark?!

The Censor lyrics - Cursive

[from "Dorothy At Forty" single]

It's not a song about old friends,
backstabbers, leeches, or cretins.
It's not about you, and it isn't true.

It's not a song about family,
how the lack thereof can be crippling.
It's not about, and it isn't true.

These songs are getting smothered
by the consideration of others.

It's not a song about another girl,
an old flame I'd like to rekindle.
It's not about you, and it isn't true.

It's not about our conversations
(don't worry, I'm not taping).
It's not about you, and it isn't true.

Some stories can get so dull,
so you get a little personal...

Lately, I've been afraid,
maybe I say too much.
Maybe the ones involved are feeling the rub
-- while I play dumb.

I'm sure this sentiment
could come off as arrogant;
to assume you're all hung up
on such triflin' melody.
It's not you -- it's me with whom I'm concerned...
What have I done?

